Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently asked questions about automated driving

If you still have questions after combing through the most asked ones, feel free to send us a message – we will get back to you as soon as possible!

What are the advantages of autonomous vehicles?

The most important advantage will be the reduction in traffic deaths – since more than 90% of traffic accidents are caused by human error. In addition, harmful emissions will drop by 60% because traffic jams with stop-and-go waves will be eliminated, which in turn would also improve fuel economy and reduce travel times. 

What are the advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS)?

Advanced driver-assistance systems include functions that assist drivers with both driving and parking. These are being developed to automate and enhance the safety and quality of driving. Good examples include adaptive cruise control (ACC), forward collision warning (FCW), lane departure warning systems (LDW), and driver monitoring systems. 

Can I buy an autonomous vehicle now?

No. There are no vehicles available for sale today that are fully autonomous. Most cars, however, are equipped with some automated driving functions or an advanced driver-assistance system. We, at aiMotive, are working on automated driving vehicles.

How do autonomous vehicles work?

Autonomous vehicles create and continuously update a map of their surroundings based on input from sensors (such as cameras, ultrasonic sensors, radars and lidars) placed on different parts of the vehicle. Built-in software processes these sensory inputs, creates a navigational path, and instructs the vehicle’s acceleration, steering and braking systems.  

Are autonomous vehicles safer?

Yes – if companies can eliminate human error in traffic,  traffic deaths could decrease by over 90%. Autonomous vehicles could not only eliminate traffic jams but spare you the trouble of looking for  a parking spot, making every day commuting less stressful. 

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science, focusing on the use of data and algorithms to allow computers to learn automatically from their experience.  

How do autonomous vehicles use artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence is used in autonomous vehicles’ neural network – which is connected to all the sensors, collecting all the inputs, processing thousands of images a second, and making decisions based on these inputs.

How far off are fully autonomous vehicles?

Fully autonomous vehicles (SAE Level 4 or 5) are still quite far away, but we might see more and more vehicles on public roads with Level 3 technology in the next five years. Legislation has also yet to catch up with technological progress.

What technologies are essential for autonomous vehicles?

Autonomous vehicles are very complicated – therefore, we draw from a lot of technologies to develop them, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, sensor technologies, safety and security, cameras, and data management. 

What are the SAE levels?

There are 6 levels of driving automation according to SAE. 

Level 0 – No automation
Manual control. The human driver is always responsible for steering, acceleration, or braking.

Level 1 – Driver assistance
The vehicle features one automated system (e.g. adaptive cruise control).

Level 2 – Partial automation
ADAS systems help the vehicle perform steering or acceleration, BUT the human must still supervise and can take control at any time

Level 3 – Conditional automation
Environmental detection capabilities. The vehicle can perform most driving tasks, but human supervision is still required.

Level 4 – High automation
Under specific circumstances, the vehicle performs all driving tasks. Geofencing is required, and human override is an option.

Level 5 – Full automation
The vehicle performs all driving tasks under all circumstances. No human attention or interaction is required.  

Still have questions about automated driving?

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